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Quickshot Controller

From Joystick Directory
Revision as of 11:02, 7 March 2022 by Jdadmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Reviews== {{Review|review=Quickshot proudly boast that they ' ve sold more than 20,000,000 joysticks worldwide . Over the years, they 'v e built up a reputation for sturdily-built sticks . each with i t s own 12 month guar- antee . and they've an incredible range of models to suit most tastes and pockets . Having said that. they ' ve just tarnished their reputation by releasmg a completely ridicu- lous stick. lt's both clumsy to use and awkward to hold- the kiss of dea...")
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"Quickshot proudly

boast that they ' ve sold more than 20,000,000 joysticks worldwide . Over the years, they 'v e built up a reputation for sturdily-built sticks . each with i t s own 12 month guar- antee . and they've an incredible range of models to suit most tastes and pockets . Having said that. they ' ve just tarnished their reputation by releasmg a completely ridicu- lous stick. lt's both clumsy to use and awkward to hold- the kiss of death in joystick terms. lt's double handlebar grip is too small for an average-sized hand, especially when both thumbs are needed to operate the joypad and firebutton posi- tioned towards the centre of the stick . There is a second firebutton. positioned on the underside of the stick and operated by the index finger, but it's in such an awkward position that you'll soon tire of punching the pad. Due to the lack of microswitches. you don't get such a tactile feedback while the stick ' s in use. and the four- foot cable length is a bit on the short side . The joypad is also a pain- I've never got used to them. even though I own a Famicom, and much prefer the more traditional joystick con- trol method." 2/5

  • Atari ST Review
  • May 1992