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From Joystick Directory
Revision as of 11:18, 7 March 2022 by Jdadmin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Reviews== {{Review|review=The Zoomer is a spe- cialist stick aimed at flight si m and driving game enthusiasts. Its yoke resembles a steering wheel with both top and bot- tom bits cut away. lt's not small, as its 30cm tall by about the same length width-wise. Fire buttons are located on top of each arm and there's an auto-fire knob on the base of the machine. Four suckers keep everything stable and the cable is a good six-foot long . I found that the Zoomer greatly enh...")
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"The Zoomer is a spe-

cialist stick aimed at flight si m and driving game enthusiasts. Its yoke resembles a steering wheel with both top and bot- tom bits cut away. lt's not small, as its 30cm tall by about the same length width-wise. Fire buttons are located on top of each arm and there's an auto-fire knob on the base of the machine. Four suckers keep everything stable and the cable is a good six-foot long . I found that the Zoomer greatly enhances the realism of flight simulators and driv- ing games. The handle itself has reasonable sideways rota- tion but the vertical axis is considerably less mobile. Because the up/down and left/right movements are so different to each other, it over- comes the problem of sensitive joysticks which dive when they should be turning and turn when you want to climb. it's not really suitable for the likes of R-Type and Speedball, but load up Flight of the Intruder or F15 and you'll have a ball. lt definitely adds a new dimension when playing these type of games." 5/5