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The Ultimate

From Joystick Directory
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Manufacturer's Description

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"Obviously not a

hand-held model. this table- top device is incredibly ugly and cumbersome. Admittedly, its spherica l hand-grip proves t o be a worthy feature when compared to some of the other sticks we've reviewed this month, but its unresponsive fire buttons give the machine a decidedly dull feel. Perhaps its best feature is a variable-speed autofire button which can spew out a super- fast hail of shots at its top speed. Unfortunately, the machine also has its fair share of minus points and the unre- sponsive helm makes arcade games a positive chore. Although it has a whopping six-and-a-half foot lead (mis- takenly put at 10 foot on the packaging!), the rest of the machine doesn't live up to expectations. I found it slow to respond to tugs on the joy- stick shaft and rather too bulky for its own good" 3/5
